
Hi, I’m Kit (AKA Kerosyn), and this is the Nova Regna wiki. Nova Regna is the working name for the world that practically all of my stories and characters exist in, because calling it the Keroverse instead would be boring, but officially the world itself has no name. And yes, even though I use the name online and for my music, Kerosyn is a character completely detached from myself.

This is a worldbuilding project that I’ve been brewing in my head for longer than the name - but not the character! - Kerosyn has existed, mostly alone with a few great contributions from a couple of friends. I thought it was time to change that, and that’s why this wiki exists.

This is an open world, and everything within it - unless explicitly stated otherwise - is licensed under Creative Commons CC BY-SA 4.0. Anybody can contribute anything to this world, and use anything in it however they want.

If you’re new and just want to browse, I understand that having so many pages and folders visible can be kind of overwhelming, so you can start with Earth and follow the links from there.

As it stands now, a huge portion of what’s here is skeletal. Many links don’t work, as they lead to pages that do not exist yet. There are a lot of broad strokes and plenty of rather vague information to give the general idea of most things, and some information is presented as stories that have yet to be fully parsed into informational pieces. Think of it like the lineart in a coloring book. There’s no limit on the detail that can be added, but it still needs to account for the lines.

More detail will always be added naturally over time as stories are written and other content is created inside this world, then we can zoom in deeper and deeper. There is, for that matter, a lot of information that simply is not yet written despite being clear in my head, and some friends’ contributions are also missing from this wiki despite being conceptualized already. Personally, I’m focusing mainly on stories to fill in the world rather than continuing to expand the wiki on its own now.

Oh, also, of course by reading through the things here, there will be plentiful spoilers for various stories that may or may not ever be written, and they will be unmarked. Personally, I don’t think you should care about that, but be aware.

Last update: August 4, 2023