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Artist We'll see
Image license We'll see
Birth name Unknown
Alias(es) N/A
Nickname(s) Gramma
Title(s) General (RW)
Status Alive
Species Mouse spirit
Birthplace Benico, Verace, Destrea (now Ustonia)
Ethnicity Taren-First Graven
Pronouns She/her
Sexuality Ace
Birth date 1802
Age 231
Height 125 cm / 4'2"
Weight 33.5 kg / 74 lb

Haida is a Mouse spirit and one of the five mortal Incarnations. She is loyal to Freya and the Risky Witches, and participated in The Big Event.


As a mortal incarnation, Haida has been several people throughout history. Every incarnation of Haida shares a number of constant traits, including naturally gray hair from birth, distinctly mouse-like feet and claws, innate knowledge of the location of The Absolute Library, and a freakishly exceptional ability to learn new things. They utilize both Alignment and Attunement to project their senses long distances, communicate telepathically, and create grand illusions. Unlike the other incarnations, Haida often takes an active role in society by acting as a teacher and mentor to mouse children, and offering advice to young people in need while in disguise, making her legend uniquely prevalent in living memory.

Aside from this summary, the rest of this page applies only to the current incarnation of Haida.

Physical description

General Physical Condition
  • Tiny.
  • Small.
  • Compact.
Body Features
  • Light reddish-brown skin
  • Mouse ears, tail, and feet.
Facial Features
  • Gray, very long hair in a hime cut, clean front and ragged back
  • Very big and round red eyes.
  • Subtle buck teeth.
Apparel & Accessories
  • Wide brim straw hat
  • Colorful embroidered poncho
  • Dark brown embroidered palazzo pants
  • Old leather backpack


The whole physical description heading is old info that I won’t be bothering to update until I get a visual representation of her, which may look quite different. At that point, this section of the page will be updated with proper formatting based on that.

Special abilities

Her alignment and attunement go hand in hand to enable her to project her senses over long distances, effectively allowing her to listen to conversations from the other side of the world as though she were in the room, communicate telepathically with, read the emotions of, or create grand, complex, extremely convincing illusions for one person at a time over long distances, or up to 50 people at a time within visual range.

Her abilities can also synergize with the abilities of others through physical contact if they’re compatible. For instance, when she and Freya work together, her telepathic abilities become limitless, but Freya takes full control over them, using Haida as a conduit to telepathically communicate through. With Neven, Haida gains the ability to additionally read the thoughts and memories of people within her typical limitations, and Neven shares the full experience.

Unlike the rest of the incarnations, her attunement does not grant her any kind of increase in physical strength or durability. Instead, it allows her to survive without food, water, or sleep.


Haida is a lighthearted, sweet-natured woman who will take every opportunity to help someone in need, offer advice of any kind where she can, give heartfelt compliments, and check up on people’s well-being, sometimes even going so far as to perform some chores or prepare a meal for them. She does not enjoy physical contact and typically prefers a large area of personal space, but will not hesitate to offer pats and hugs to people she is familiar with when they are feeling down. It is exceedingly rare to find Haida with anything other than a smile on her face and kindness in her words.

While her good nature is genuine, it also hides a colder side. Quietly, she is always keeping tabs on the people around her and building detailed profiles of them in her head, which she never forgets. With a cold, calculative mind, she uses this knowledge to subtly affect everyone around her and steer the course of their lives, and even though her intentions are good, it tends to make people uncomfortable as they pick up on that, turning her eternal smile from something warm and comforting to something cold and unnerving.

She calls herself a pacifist, but not only does she support the violence caused by the Risky Witches, she actively participates from the sidelines by keeping units informed and coordinated, and sometimes even subjects the enemy to her illusions, knowing that it will lead to their deaths. This, too, she does with a smile. Support of the Risky Witches is, however, the only exception to her pacifism, and she is extremely quick to oppose and attempt to prevent violence from being committed around her without ever raising a hand. Her reason for making the exception is a confusing mystery to everyone, even those closest to her.


Haida, for the most part, has a strange mix of close familiarity and cold distance with everyone around her, which makes most people feel safe and comfortable around her at first, before slowly becoming more and more uncomfortable without understanding why.

Out of everyone in the Risky Witches, Neven is the only one she is truly close to, and she greatly enjoys their time together. Dvalinn is close to her as well, even though she treats him the same as everyone else, because he views her strange coldness as something to look up to. Garm is dense enough to simply not care, and Kuhai is simply unfazed.

She is also close with Minerva and all of the mouse spirits working and living with her, showing them more affection than anyone else, though Neven has earned second place in her heart.


She is a member of the Risky Witches Task Force 5555 with the effective rank of O-6.


sorry nothing


  • It’s not hard to guess how she got her nickname. She acts like a sweet old grandmother to everyone, despite looking far too young to be one, and is by far the oldest member of the unit other than Freya, so everyone naturally called her “Gramma”.

Author info

Kit - (AKA Kerosyn, or QuickFastly)
Web zone // Social

Last update: August 4, 2023

