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Artist mogy64
Image license CC BY-NC-ND 3.0
Birth name Unknown
Alias(es) The Deliverer
Nickname(s) Stupid
Title(s) God of Idiots
Status Alive
Species Fox spirit
Birthplace Unknown
Ethnicity Unknown
Pronouns They/he
Sexuality Ace
Birth date 1015 ED
Age 3,048
Height 147 cm / 4'10"
Weight 9 kg / 20 lb

kerosyn ref (rain).jpg
First Kerosyn reference - Artist: Rain

Kerosyn is a fox spirit and one of the three immortal Incarnations. They are one of the three deities of the Children of the Flame, along with Freya and Florian.

Physical description

Kerosyn has a short, slim, androgynous build. They are largely featureless, something like a living silhouette. They have large fox ears, very pronounced fangs, four large tails, and digitigrade feet. Perhaps most immediately noticeable is their complete lack of eyes and eye sockets, with only the Brand glowing bright red between where they should be.

Their body is primarily made of white flames, which is most apparent by looking at their ears, “hair”, or tails. These flames grow and shrink in size, become brighter and dimmer, and “burn” at different speeds depending on their mood. Small wisps of the same white flames are also kicked up where they step. None of these flames burn things, and are cool to the touch. Despite being made of flame, one can still touch Kerosyn and aside from the cold temperature, it would feel as you would expect as though it were skin and fur.

Beneath the flames, there is a regular skeleton. It is extremely rare for this skeleton to be visible due to the brightness of the flames, but sometimes one may catch a shadowy glimpse of it. The skeleton is the only part of Kerosyn that has any weight, but despite that, they have the same resistance to being pushed and shoved as someone of average weight for their height.

A large butterfly glowing bright white can be seen fluttering around Kerosyn at all times. It’s never far from arm’s reach. It is presumed that the butterfly is somehow a part of them, but exactly why it’s there, only Kerosyn, Freya, and Florian know.


Kerosyn wears a white vest, a high collared white jacket with elaborate red leather trim, red leather gloves, and white pants with tattered legs. They also wear an ancient fire-damaged brass pendant that displays a cherry blossom, held on a red gemstone. This pendant is one of a matching pair, the other belonging to Freya.

Kerosyn may occasionally take off the jacket to suit certain situations, but is otherwise nearly always wearing this signature outfit. On the rare occasion they aren’t wearing it, what they wear instead is anyone’s guess, because Kerosyn will try on anything without objection, and will enjoy every moment of it… though, shoes don’t fit on them so they can’t really try those on. These moments never last long, however, because Kerosyn’s signature outfit is the only outfit they really feel comfortable in.

Special abilities

Kerosyn wields Attunement to its fullest potential, able to do quite literally anything short of a feat of creation on their own, but when they, Freya, and Florian work together, they become seemingly omnipotent, capable of reality-altering feats of unknown magnitude. The three of them also seem to share some type of telepathic link, which allows them to always know each other’s location and to share strong feelings, but does not allow them to communicate directly. Finally, their Alignment gives them some kind of esoteric connection to the world as a whole. They may not be able to match Freya’s perception skills, but their gut feelings are always pertinent and never wrong.

Their power manifests primarily as fire, most notably by the fact that their entire body is a supernatural white fire, but can take any form. Unlike Freya and Florian, they don’t really have a signature use of power, instead preferring to just do whatever they want with it, be it for entertainment, convenience, the benefit of others, or any other reason. They use their power far more liberally than their siblings, willing to perform miracles for others on a whim and are completely oblivious to what others think of that. It also comes in handy when they burn their clothes to ashes for the thousandth time, because they can just materialize some new duds. The same power should actually help them prevent burning their clothes off in the first place, but let’s just say they aren’t perfect.

As an entirely immortal being, they cannot die. Their body is very durable, but not to godlike standards. Their bones will still break and their “skin” can still be cut. Their true godlike bodily quality is that of regeneration. When they do get cut, they will “bleed” wild, violent flames before the wound seals closed in a matter of seconds, and when their bones are broken, they will regenerate in a few minutes if kept very still. Remove a part of their body and it can simply be put back on within the first few minutes, or the lost part will simply fade out of existence after a while and they’ll regrow it over a day or two. Decapitation is the only thing that has no effect at all on them, as any weapon will simply pass through their neck without resistance due to a few missing vertebrae, and pulling on their head - no matter how strongly - will simply lift their whole body with it.

Being mostly incorporeal, Kerosyn is also capable of temporarily shapeshifting into just about anything up to four times their size, but their skeleton prevents them from shrinking. How long the alteration lasts depends on the size difference, complexity, and subsequent exertion. They often use this ability unconsciously to signify their mood. For instance, growing their fangs in both size and number when angry, displaying something similar to regular human teeth when smiling, or taking on a more corporeal and fluffy appearance when happy or comforting others.


Kerosyn is an extremely friendly and compassionate person who is virtually always visibly happy. They have a strong moral compass, stand by it firmly, and will stand up for anyone and everyone without hesitation. They are also extremely curious, naive, easily distracted, and tend to giggle and laugh a lot.

They pretty much just want to have fun and spread positivity, always seeking out new experiences and happily involving themselves with society, totally oblivious to how much they stand out and how other people might react to their presence, even becoming frustrated when they are treated in any special way. They take great pride in their friends and teachers and cherish the memories of them more than almost anything else.

While Kerosyn overflows with charisma and confidence, their oblivious and immature nature takes away a lot of potential advantages that would bring, since they come off more like a lovable but dumb kid than someone worth seriously talking to. Their short attention span and penchant for pranks don’t help matters either. That said, if one could hold their attention and talk about something they’re passionate about, they can hold long and deep conversations just fine.

Naturally, that’s not an easy thing to achieve, so many of their friends are actually children since they often get along better due to their interests tending to align more frequently, along with the facts that children are both much less scared of them, and treat them more like an equal than most adults. They’re the king of the playground, and the ultimate bully-stopper.

Kerosyn carries themselves like a happy, but fidgety child, even in highly inappropriate situations. Don’t invite them to funerals. They make up for their lack of expressive eyes with extremely expressive and exaggerated body language, especially with their ears and tails. Curiously, they even maintain their happy demeanor when they are absolutely not happy, sometimes even giggling when one would think they’d be crying. It takes a lot to get them to truly express any other emotion rather than subtly hinting at it.

It is possible to get them to act mature, but extremely difficult. When it happens, it’s as though they become an entirely different person. Wise, elegant, and serene, surrounded by what can only be described as a divine air. The few who know this side of Kerosyn can consider themselves blessed since it’s such a rare sight.

Kerosyn is very eager to learn anything and everything, but it’s difficult to teach them as they are a horrible listener. They learn best by doing. Another challenge is overcoming their short attention span, but if it’s something they really want to learn about, they will try their best to be a good student. They’ll probably never become a true master of anything though.

Their hidden talents are extensive intuitive knowledge of nature, inter- and intra-personal emotions, and the existential… though their true strength is their infinite wisdom rather than their limited intellect, and even that is rarely seen in action since they’re usually too busy being a goofball.

Something extra

Some have theorized but none can prove that Kerosyn is potentially suffering from a complex case of PTSD, causing their apparent age regression. Another theory is that the age regression is a side effect of Kerosyn’s resurrection (described in The Account), their brain having been permanently damaged. Only Freya and Florian know the full truth of this matter, but they confirm that Kerosyn’s age regression is the result of extreme repression caused by equally extreme trauma. The reason it’s so rare to see Kerosyn acting mature and wise is because it takes an immense amount of energy to not only access what has been repressed, but hold back the undesirable aspects. Those undesirable aspects are what is seen in action when they enter their “angry” state.

The “angry” state

When Kerosyn gets truly angry, they become what can only be described as the physical embodiment of fury. They no longer communicate at all, only screaming and growling, they become extremely violent and animalistic, and their powers run wild. It’s not wrong to think they could destroy the world as we know it in a fit of anger, single handedly; they did it once before. The only ways to bring them out of a fit like this are to let it run its course, physically fight them hard enough to tire them out, or be Freya and give them a proper scolding.

Fighting styles

Kerosyn has three distinct fighting styles.

First is the playful style. They will dodge attacks with exaggerated, almost comedic movements, but will take a hit or two on purpose to keep it going. They won’t attack seriously, but will throw play punches that wouldn’t hurt anyone. They’re not big on taunting, but will laugh a lot.

Next is the focused style. They go quiet and their stance changes to something more appropriate for a fight. Their dodges become beautifully elegant, not allowing themselves to take a single avoidable hit and blocking or parrying the rest. They will now attack seriously, but only when it’s a sure shot, and they will not aim to kill unless there’s no other choice. In this state, trails of fire string from their hands and feet, making his movements look something like a ribbon dance. This sight is what inspired the Firekeepers of the Children of the Flame.

Finally, the enraged style. All bets are off now. No more dodging, they’ll just take every hit and ignore the damage, even something as serious as losing a limb. They will be hellbent on the offensive, wild and unpredictable, and will absolutely not be shy about biting hard and tearing flesh. Fortunately, even in this state they’re still not quite “angry”, so destruction of the world isn’t a concern, though it’s just as hard to snap him out of it.


Having spent close to their entire lives together, Kerosyn, Freya, and Florian are family in all but blood relation. Kerosyn is the youngest of the three.

Kerosyn sees both Freya and Florian as elder siblings, but is particularly close with Freya. The two of them share an inseparable bond that runs so deep, Freya is the only person capable of talking Kerosyn out of anger, and one of the only people who can tell what they’re truly feeling behind their happy demeanor just by looking. They don’t share many of the same interests, but love talking about them together regardless. They bring each other a lot of comfort just by being near. They have kept their matching pendants since the day they met.

Florian is more of a teacher and rival to Kerosyn. They enjoy learning from Florian, but their clashing personalities lead to a lot of playful competition, though Kerosyn is often the only one having fun. They also get into fights occasionally, usually caused by Florian’s patience running out while Kerosyn remains oblivious to that.

The relationship between these three can sometimes appear more parental than that of siblings due to Kerosyn’s childlike nature, though they all vehemently reject the idea of that.


Being one of the three deities of the Children of the Flame and the most visually distinctive, Kerosyn is very strongly affiliated with them. They hate the attention though, and especially hate being worshiped, so they try very hard to avoid the organization and its members. The one exception to that is The Sixth Storyteller, because he respects Kerosyn’s wish to be treated as an equal, so he keeps Kerosyn informed and relays information from them back to the organization.


Most of Kerosyn’s history during Era Dira is described in The Account.


  • Kerosyn has no need to eat or sleep at all, but enjoys doing those things anyway.
  • Kerosyn’s love of food has made them not only a great cook, but a skilled farmer as well.
  • Kerosyn has both perfect pitch and perfect rhythm. They are proficient with nearly all musical instruments that don’t use a mouthpiece, can sing decently, and can both play and riff on anything just by hearing it once. Their favorite instrument to play is the drums.
  • One might assume that Kerosyn has 360 degree vision based on their lack of eyes, but they actually see exactly the same as anyone else. How? Who knows? Kerosyn sure doesn’t.
  • Kerosyn is the type of person to latch onto new trends and run them into the ground hard, then keep holding onto them long past the point of embarrassment.

Author info

Kit - (AKA Kerosyn, or QuickFastly)
Web zone // Social

Last update: January 14, 2025

