

This page is a stub, here as a reminder for later. If you think this is a real person, stop that, this is a fictional character. The car photo is only for inspiration, not final. Nickname not final. Image is not Creative Commons. Part of a project that is on hold.


Classy | EXCEED 6

Mild mannered and quiet in person, he only really shows his true self when behind the wheel. He spends most of his time building and tuning cars for customers because he grew bored with the state of the highway racers after Masashi disappeared, choosing only to come out when he hears someone extremely fast is going to be racing. His total addiction to high speed keeps him going, and he joined Haruna knowing he had finally found a new challenge.

nagata car insp.jpeg

Author info

Kit - (AKA Kerosyn, or QuickFastly)
Web zone // Social

Last update: August 4, 2023