Seth Alden


This page is very much a work in progress and very subject to change.

Born from a union of two families that if it weren’t out of love would have seemed all for political benefit, Seth is a peculiar individual caught in an identity crisis between being following his interests or rising to the expectations of his family. From his early childhood he was raised that all actions have meaning and a lack of action is equal to feigning ignorance. Filled with ideals and creative endeavors Seth was constantly forced into foregoing his own interests in order to keep in line with Concordia’s image along with his families as a whole.  

Seth was privately educated for most of his younger years by only the finest educators in (STATE NAME). Most of his remaining time was spent between following around his parents and playing around with mechanical parts and gizmos left behind in his grandfather’s workshop, which would later spark interest for him to begin his own tinkering with things.  For much of his childhood all of the public appearances, volunteering, and other public showcases were all a game to him, but as time progressed and Seth got older the lack of being able to express himself and interact with others began to take its toll. Seeing this sudden lack of interest his parents decided it was best to enroll him in a private academy hoping being able to socialize with others his age would be what needed to motivate him into realizing the importance of his family name. This however did the opposite.  At first his peers didn’t know how to approach him, more so those who were also coming from Corstaea’s wealthier houses. Seth’s honest and rather whimsical nature along with a rather strange and unnatural talent would soon prove that there was this earnest spirit amongst the rather serious and righteous aura associated with the Alden name. As more people began to open up to him Seth began to realize how much more enjoyable things were when he was surrounded by friends instead of constantly trying to appeal to the publics expectations. Because of this Seth would end his education with a rather diverse but close group of friends, both of commoner and nobility alike.  

Though leaving school life also meant returning back to the pressures of upholding image along with now fulfilling the expectation of learning the business and preparing to be its rightful heir, or following the political route like his grandmother and upholding the political aspect of things. With much chagrin from his family, Seth decided to simply do neither, promising in a year he would have an answer. Fading from the spotlight initially caused some anxiety by the company and all parties involved but overtime realized that Arlette was not going anywhere anytime soon and his parents had Concordia in completely perfect control. So Seth was free to pursue his own interests and relationships, becoming highly adept in creating rather rudimentary contraptions and creations, and eventually proposing to the love of his life.  

But this respite would come to an end after long respected and revered Senior Energy Research Leader Julian Foulke vanished overnight along with his research and lab being completely vacated. Seeing that the entire wing was closed off for investigation, and with the empty lab being cleared for repurposing, Seth decides to use deem it as a new “playground” to freely test out his new designs. But by random accident Seth manages to unlock a hidden passageway behind the wall leading to a sealed off underground supercomputer room. There Seth manages to activate the recently shut down VEX observation system, along with its assisting AI who has no recollection of what its job was or any idea what data was gained and stored with the system.  

Now armed with a means of solving the mystery Seth sets out under the guise of diplomatic meetings and self interest journeys to find out what Foulke was doing and what mystic energy really is. Once he discovers Foulke was doing some rather nefarious and international law violating things, Seth takes on the persona of VEX The Seeker of Truth, naming his new outfit and accompanying helmet with a built in relay to (AI name) and the VEX system. Being masked fuels this untapped egoist and narcissist within Seth, letting him freely take bolder stances and actions on things and allowing him turn his calculated observing habits into theatrical displays of wit and cunning.  


Name: Seth Kristopher Alden 
Age: 23 
Nationality: Corstaean  
Ethnicity: Irovell 
Height: 5‘11’‘ 
Weight: 187lbs
Hair: A medium brown mixed with some darker browns. Parted on one side to give a formal appearance but its left unkept and rather wavy when not out in public.  
Eye color: Violet 


AS SETH: Seth is rather passive and relaxed in nature. Would rather observe first and then make an informed decision. This gives him an aura of maturity and responsibility despite the small fact that he really doesn’t care to think that way. Its just the right thing to do in his opinion. In times this works against him where he can come off as disinterested or simply not caring at all. When motivated his more excited side shows and he becomes more animated and expressive. This is mostly a result of being conditioned to be formal at a young age.  

AS VEX: Being masked brings out a more reckless side of Seth. His righteous side gets amplified numerously turning from this advising role into more of a upholder or hero of truth and balance. His actions become a lot more expressive, almost like he’s performing in some grand theatrical piece. He also no longer has to worry about people recognizing his face, letting him get away from speaking how he really feels about people and their actions.

seth reference sheet (rain).jpeg

Author info

sorry nothing

Last update: January 14, 2025

