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The Sixth Storyteller

The Sixth Storyteller


Artist mogy64
Image license CC BY-NC-ND 3.0
Real name Unknown
Nickname Six
Title(s) The Storyteller (CotF)
Status Alive
Species Human?
Birthplace Unknown
Ethnicity Unknown
Pronouns He/him
Sexuality Unknown
Birth date Unknown
Age Over 473
Height 178 cm / 5'10"
Weight 50 kg / 111 lb

The Sixth Storyteller is the current Storyteller of the Children of the Flame. His real name is not known, nor his origins or even appearance. The only part of his body that is ever visible is his hair. His true age is also not known, only that he is over 473, since he became Storyteller in the year 1560. Being effectively nameless, he allows others to call him by the name “Six” outside of formal or official settings.

Physical description

Due to the fact that the only part of his body ever seen is his hair, and that he is always seen wearing heavy clothing no matter the weather or temperature, the only description of his appearance that can be given is that he has very long and wiry brown hair, is slightly above average height for a human, and appears to be of an average build. He is severely underweight, but that is hidden well by his clothing.

While he does not display any obvious signs of being a spirit and appears to be relatively average size for a human, nobody knows for certain whether or not he truly is human.

He wears a black cap with his hair threaded through its back, a black neck gaiter, extremely oversized mirror glasses, black formal gloves, a thick gray long sleeved shirt, a heavy green jacket with a high collar, heavy blue jeans, and gray slip-on shoes. He uses a black wooden cane with a carved handle to walk.

Special abilities

Six is Deathless, and is the reason that anyone in the general public is aware of such a concept. He has said that death is not natural, it is a curse, and that for an incredible cost, the curse can be broken. Nobody knows how he became deathless, or what his “incredible cost” was, however. His existence is of great interest to governments and scientists around the world, but his power within the Children of the Flame allows him to keep their meddling at bay, keeping his secret safe.


Six is very quiet, calm, and restrained. He rarely speaks in anything other than sparse, short sentences, but when he does speak in more depth, he is highly eloquent. His voice gives away little to no emotion, but his words often express compassion and concern. His body language also shows little to no emotion at any given time, instead being rather unsettling due to the fact that he moves so little that he appears motionless much of the time.

Beyond the empty outward appearance, he has shown two main traits. An insatiable thirst for knowledge, and a deep concern for the future of humanity.


The only people close to him are Leon Van Wolfe, his advisor, and Mae Seraphine Walker, his right hand. He places great trust in them and allows them to know more about himself and his knowledge than anyone else, but still hides much from them. They are the only ones to have seen any of his body, for instance, but even they don’t know where he was born, how old he truly is, or if he is even human.

He is also acquainted with Kerosyn, Freya, and Florian. He regularly makes contact with them to keep them informed about the state of the organization and his plans, but despite the fact that they are gods to him, he respects the wishes of Kerosyn and Freya to be treated as equals and to keep them out of the spotlight. With Florian, however, he is in frequent contact as they assist each other with their research.


He wrote The Account over 200 years ago.

When he became Storyteller in 1560, a huge number of ranking individuals across all four branches of the Children of the Flame disappeared overnight, seemingly without a trace. He has never spoken of this event, but in recent times after deeper study of historical records, some theorize that Six had actually usurped control of the faith and disposed of those who opposed somehow. He has never responded to this theory, nor have any of those studying the history been met with any kind of resistance.

Author info

Kit - (AKA Kerosyn, or QuickFastly)
Web zone // Social

Last update: August 4, 2023

