There are virtually zero restrictions on how you use almost anything in this world, you have total creative freedom with your own creations provided you abide by the appropriate license(s). Except for pages that explicitly say otherwise, everything here is licensed under Creative Commons CC BY-SA 4.0. Because of that, while you will be restricted to using the same or a compatible license on your work, it isn’t even possible to control how you use this content.

However, there is still something you must keep in mind.

If what you intend to create will directly reference, or be used to actively promote real-world politics, ideologies, religious beliefs, or violence, do not provide attribution. This is universal and non-negotiable.

The same applies if your work can be considered hate speech aimed at real-life groups or individuals. If you include such content for any purpose, do not provide attribution. The well thought out usage of fictional hate speech aimed at the fictional groups and individuals inside this world is usually acceptable, however, so long as it is an aspect of consistent worldbuilding or plot relevant.

The contributors to this world all reserve the right to enforce these requests universally, and also reserve the right to have you remove attribution particularly to themselves and their content at any time, for any other reason they wish. If you do not remove attribution upon request within 30 days, you violate the terms of the license and it is automatically terminated, after which standard copyright law takes over, meaning you could be subject to a DMCA takedown or other legal action.

Always check if the pages you reference are under a different license with different requirements and restrictions. Some contributors may even use restrictive licenses and provide detailed terms of use for their content. However, all Creative Commons licenses give us the right to request the removal of attribution, and are automatically terminated after 30 days if you do not comply.

When providing attribution, always check the bottom of any pages you reference for the author info and any links they may include. If there is no author listed, then you don’t need to list an author in your attribution, just a link to the page. Remember to follow the best practices for attribution.

If you want to make something based in this world but want to make a separate deal to the standard Creative Commons terms, you’re welcome to contact the relevant creators to negotiate. To contact me about that, you can use the form at the bottom of my CC+ page or find me on social media. In the future when there are more creators, I could add a dedicated page to list everyone with some kind of contact info, but for now, you figure it out.

Last update: January 14, 2025