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This page is a stub, not just because there is much yet to be written, but because the development of this page and its subpages should ideally happen naturally through storytelling, not just worldbuilding. That is a slow process. Until enough detail is added to a given subgroup to be moved to its own page, it will remain here.

Real-world influences

Of course because there is so much potential detail to be added to pages like these, inspiration must be drawn from somewhere. More subgroups may be added in the future as well, but under specific circumstances. For a lot more detail about all that, check the meta page on appropriate real-world influences.

Here is the abridged version for this page specifically:

  • Carlanders | Inspired by = Celtic nations
  • Mandese | Inspired by = England
  • Allenesian | Inspired by = Germany
  • Oster | Inspired by = Netherlands
  • Vastian | Inspired by = Austria
  • Macan | Inspired by = Belgium
  • Graven | Inspired by = Canada
  • Oxi | Inspired by = Australia
  • Arkan | Inspired by = United States

The languages here are listed with their nearest real-world equivalent underneath them. While you can for the most part treat them as 1-to-1 equals, they should still be considered sources of inspiration rather than absolute equivalents, so that we have room to maneuver when making up new stuff. Which you shouldn’t be afraid to do, by the way.

This meta note will be removed after enough development has occurred for every initial subgroup (the first nine) to get their own page and be recognizably distinct.

Exilan people
Population approx. 780,000,000
Place of origin Northern Corstaea
Time of origin Sometime in Era Dira

The Exilan people are one of the seven major ethnic groups of the world, occupying approximately 39% of the global population, primarily in Ustonia on the continent of Yulentia, and in Corstaea and Osun Tanum on the continent of Ozen. It is also the only ethnic and cultural group in the world that is more populous outside of its native continent, the apparent result of widespread large-scale colonization of Yulentia.

The first Exilan people disappeared sometime in the 4th century, merging entirely into the many ethnic groups that came from them, leaving behind almost no trace of their original culture as they do not seem to have kept written records at the time. Among the very few artifacts that clearly symbolize something, however, is a set of climbing tools with the words “prosperity waits beyond the mountain” carved into them, lending further credence to the Irovell and Farodet stories of emerging from the mountain at the beginning of Anno Ortu.

More TBD

Exilan subgroups


The places of origin for these subgroups are listed with the current day names of the locations, partially for convenience when looking at the map, mostly because their history is not yet written to have a historical name. When that happens, both will be listed.


Population TBD
Place of origin Carlow, Corstaea
Time of origin approx. 45 AO
Language Gurilàin, Druláin
(Scots Gaelic, Irish Gaelic)

Carlanders are the first new ethnic group to be formed from the Exilan people, forming their shared identity after migrating to the island known today as Carlow, Corstaea, and are thought to be the most genetically, culturally, and linguistically similar to the original Exilans today due to their long isolation on the island. They are divided primarily into northern and southern subcultures, Gurilàin and Druláin, each also being the name of their own distinct languages, both of which still use the same alphabet and many of the same sounds as found in ancient Exilan artifacts from Era Dira, making them two of the most ancient living languages in the world. Some believe that it is possible the Carlanders were alive during Era Dira based on that, or even that they may be the true first Exilans, but no evidence has been found to support these ideas.

Mandese people

Mandese people
Population TBD
Place of origin Manden, Corstaea
Time of origin approx. 110 AO
Language Munait
(Old English (futhorc))

The Mandese people are the second new ethnic group to be formed from the Exilan people, first settling in what is now Manden, Corstaea, and seemingly the first among Exilans to develop a unique writing system. While their language, Munait, is very different today, it still uses a very similar alphabet as it did in ancient times, making ancient writings relatively easy to decipher.

Allenesian people

Allenesian people
Population TBD
Place of origin Allenthal, Corstaea
Time of origin approx. 135 AO
Language Harkan

The Allenesian people are the third new ethnic group to be formed from the Exilan people, first settling in what is now Allenthal, Corstaea, before being pushed south by Mandese expansionism. Ancient Allenesians spoke Munait, but after regular contact and trade with the Irovell Halli people, their language developed into the amalgam it is today, mutually intelligible with neither of its roots, more similar instead to Oster and Vastian.

Oster people

Oster people
Population TBD
Place of origin Osterfeld, Osun Tanum
Time of origin approx. 240 AO
Language Oster

The Oster people are an ethnic group descended from the Allenesian people that developed their unique culture and shared identity after settling in what is now Osterfeld, Osun Tanum, during a mass Allenesian migration to the south caused by Mandese expansionism. The first Oster people spoke Munait, but after regular contact and trade with the Irovell Halli people, their language developed into the amalgam it is today, mutually intelligible with neither of its roots, more similar instead to Munait and Harkan.

Vastian people

Vastian people
Population TBD
Place of origin Vastdal, Osun Tanum
Time of origin approx. 285 AO
Language Vastian

The Vastian people are an ethnic group descended from the Allenesian people that developed their unique culture and shared identity after settling in what is now Vastdal, Osun Tanum, during a mass Allenesian migration to the south caused by Mandese expansionism. The first Vastian people spoke Munait, but after regular contact and trade with the Irovell Halli people, their language developed into the amalgam it is today, mutually intelligible with neither of its roots, more similar instead to Harkan and Oster.

Macan people

Macan people
Population TBD
Place of origin Macdon, Osun Tanum
Time of origin 786 AO
Language Various

The Macan people are a cultural melting pot, formed from a variety of Mandese, Allenesian, Oster, Vastian, Halli, Svalli, and Kolli peoples, forming their own cohesive shared identity around their common belief that their land of Macdon, located in what is now Osun Tanum, would one day be the center of the world stage. They have no language of their own, instead primarily speaking Halli and often the language of their ancestors as a first and second language.

Oxi people

Oxi people
Population TBD
Place of origin Roxware, Oxbalt, Ustonia
Time of origin 1639 AO
Language Halli

The Oxi people are descended from the Mandese people of Manden, who identified themselves as Oxi after the colonization of Roxware, Oxbalt in 1639, also forcing the name Old Oxi universally onto the many diverse Ciraza natives they displaced. They speak Halli, an Irovell language, due to being forced to learn it to facilitate their journey across the ocean with the help of Halli sailors, as they were not otherwise capable. Thanks to that, the formation of Ustonia has made Halli the world’s most commonly spoken language.

Arkan people

Arkan people
Population TBD
Place of origin Centralia, Arkbay, Ustonia
Time of origin 1643 AO
Language Halli

The Arkan people are descended from the Allenesian people of Hartmond, who identified themselves as Arkan after the colonization of Centralia, Arkbay in 1643, also forcing the name Native Arkans universally onto the many diverse Ciraza natives they displaced. They speak Halli, an Irovell language, due to being forced to learn it to facilitate their journey across the ocean with the help of Halli sailors, as they were not otherwise capable. Thanks to that, the formation of Ustonia has made Halli the world’s most commonly spoken language.

Graven people

Graven people
Population TBD
Place of origin Gravenwood, Lonfolk, Ustonia
Time of origin 1647 AO
Language Halli

The Graven people are descended from the Oster people of Osterfeld, who identified themselves as Graven after the colonization of Gravenwood, Lonfolk in 1647, also forcing the name First Gravens universally onto the many diverse Ciraza natives they displaced. They speak Halli, an Irovell language, due to being forced to learn it to facilitate their journey across the ocean with the help of Halli sailors, as they were not otherwise capable. Thanks to that, the formation of Ustonia has made Halli the world’s most commonly spoken language.

Author info

Kit - (AKA Kerosyn, or QuickFastly)
Web zone // Social

Last update: August 28, 2023

