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Cultures & Ethnicities


This page is a stub, not just because there is much yet to be written, but because the development of this page and its subpages should ideally happen naturally through storytelling, not just worldbuilding. That is a slow process. Until there has been enough development for this notice to be removed, refer to the page on Appropriate real-world influences for some context and inspiration on the differences between these groups.

The population of Earth, both human and spirit, is comprised of many distinct ethnic and cultural groups that have developed, proliferated, appeared, and disappeared throughout history. Today, ethnicity is typically associated primarily with the ancestry and culture of the many nations and states of the world, but archaeological discoveries dated between 2000 and 3000 years old have shown that the many distinct groups that exist today all diverged from seven major ethnic groups.

World population by major ethnic groups

Average skin tone distribution of indigenous peoples and early generation first settlers

The seven major ethnic groups are as follows.

While these seven groups have existed as distinctly separate groups for all of known history, with most people part of a given group typically sharing some common physical features, the scientific consensus on these groups is that their separateness is a social construct, and not a biological attribute, with identities formed through the natural development of new cultures that tended to remain grouped together throughout history, especially with the development of new languages, and that the apparent physical features shared by some smaller, more recently developed ethnic groups being features that were always present, but had become more localized to these new ethnic groups over time due to societal rules and preferences.



Author info

Kit - (AKA Kerosyn, or QuickFastly)
Web zone // Social

Last update: August 28, 2023

