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This page is a stub, not just because there is much yet to be written, but because the development of this page and its subpages should ideally happen naturally through storytelling, not just worldbuilding. That is a slow process. Until enough detail is added to a given subgroup to be moved to its own page, it will remain here.

Real-world influences

Of course because there is so much potential detail to be added to pages like these, inspiration must be drawn from somewhere. More subgroups may be added in the future as well, but under specific circumstances. For a lot more detail about all that, check the meta page on appropriate real-world influences.

Here is the abridged version for this page specifically:

  • Tollan | Inspired by = Greenland
  • Halli | Inspired by = Norway
  • Svalli | Inspired by = Sweden
  • Kolli | Inspired by = Denmark
  • Amari | Inspired by = Finland
  • Jomsson | Inspired by = Iceland
  • Sarian | Inspired by = Faroe Islands
  • Alastorri | Alright, this one’s mostly original, but with some Danish influence on top

The languages here are listed with their nearest real-world equivalent underneath them. While you can for the most part treat them as 1-to-1 equals, they should still be considered sources of inspiration rather than absolute equivalents, so that we have room to maneuver when making up new stuff. Which you shouldn’t be afraid to do, by the way.

This meta note will be removed after enough development has occurred for every initial subgroup (the first eight) to get their own page and be recognizably distinct.

Irovell people
Population approx. 260,000,000
Place of origin Northern Osun Tanum
Time of origin Sometime in Era Dira

The Irovell people are one of the seven major ethnic groups of the world, occupying approximately 13% of the global population, primarily in Corstaea and Osun Tanum on the continent of Ozen, as well as Alastor.

The first Irovell people disappeared sometime in the 8th century, far removed from and overtaken by the many ethnic groups that came from them, leaving behind swathes of unique myth and lore prized by museums around the world, but little else. The most notable and extensive of myths left behind by the Irovell is the story of their emergence, and the experience of “stepping out from the mountain” in the first years of Anno Ortu.

More TBD

Irovell subgroups


The places of origin for these subgroups are listed with the current day names of the locations, partially for convenience when looking at the map, mostly because their history is not yet written to have a historical name. When that happens, both will be listed.

Tollan people

Tollan people
Population TBD
Place of origin Tolred, Corstaea
Time of origin Sometime in Era Dira
Language Avannarnipi

The Tollan people are descended from the ancient Irovell people that first settled the land now known as Tolred, Corstaea, and are the only living ethnic group in the world known to have originated during Era Dira while also being a subgroup of one of the major seven. Extensive Irovell artifacts corroborate the origins of the Tollan people and their relationship to the Irovell, but their time of origin remains unknown. Very few Tollan people remain due to hostile Farodet colonials and later being outnumbered in their own lands by the Amari. They speak Avannarnipi, which is the oldest known living language in the world, and one of only two languages in the world with no known relatives, alongside the Shisuya-Kinu language, Kinugo. It is considered endangered with mostly elderly speakers today.

Halli people

Halli people
Population TBD
Place of origin Halstrand, Corstaea
Time of origin approx. 330 AO
Language Halli

The Halli people are potentially the first new ethnic group to be formed from the Irovell people, first settling in what is now known as Halstrand, Corstaea. Whether the Halli or the Sarians came first is a question still under debate that requires further study. The Halli language is a simplified evolution of the ancient Irovell language, and thanks to how easy it is to learn for the people of Ozen and Yulentia, plus the colonization of Ustonia, Halli has become the world’s most commonly spoken language.

Svalli people

Svalli people
Population TBD
Place of origin Sondergård, Osun Tanum
Time of origin approx. 350 AO
Language Svalli

The Svalli people are the second new ethnic group to be formed by the Irovell people, originally part of the same group that became the Halli, but choosing to separate from them by crossing the Himlavård mountains and settling what is now known as Sondergård, Osun Tanum. The Svalli language is very similar to Halli as a result.

Kolli people

Kolli people
Population TBD
Place of origin Kolgård, Osun Tanum
Time of origin approx. 410 AO
Language Kolli

The Kolli people are an ethnic group descended from the Svalli people, originating after a small number of families took issue with the governance of the Svalli people and chose to migrate south, first settling in what is now known as Kolgård, Osun Tanum, attracting more and more Svalli people within decades, eventually identifying themselves as distinct. The Kolli language is very similar to Svalli as a result, but grew more complex over time.

Amari people

Amari people
Population TBD
Place of origin Amaransk, Tolred, Corstaea
Time of origin approx. 670 AO
Language Amari

The Amari people are an ethnic group originally descended from the ancient Irovell that chose to separate at the same time as the Halli, migrating north and settling in what is now known as Amaransk, Tolred, Corstaea. They did not at first consider themselves distinctly different people and worked to coexist peacefully with the Tollan people, but after many generations of intermingling both with the Tollan people and with Farodet colonials, their culture developed into something very unique, and the Amari language developed into something more similar to Storran than any modern Irovell language.

Jomsson people

Jomsson people
Population TBD
Place of origin Jomsgård, Corstaea
Time of origin 1104 AO
Language Halli

The Jomsson people are a cultural group descended from the Halli people, formed by traditionalists that rejected the changing beliefs and customs of the Halli, particularly with regard to militarism, choosing to settle the island of Jomsgård for the sake of keeping their traditions alive and continue to keep weapons in their homes. The Jomsson people were both prized and feared around the world for some time for their martial prowess.

Sarian people

Sarian people
Population TBD
Place of origin Sarrac, Corstaea
Time of origin approx. 205 AO
Language Sarian

The Sarian people are potentially the first new ethnic group to be formed from the ancient Irovell people that settled the island now known as Sarrac, Corstaea. Whether the Sarians or the Halli came first is a question still under debate that requires further study. The Sarian language is an evolution of the ancient Irovell language, but is not mutually intelligible with other Irovell languages.

Alastorri people

Alastorri people
Population TBD
Place of origin Alastor
Time of origin 784 AO
Language Andarǫdd

The Alastorri people were originally a direct descendant of the ancient Irovell people that may have separated and become nomadic as early as 40 AO, but during their travels to the south, many Halli, Svalli, and Kolli people joined their ranks and brought elements of their cultures with them. In 784 AO, the group settled the central island of Alastor and became known as Alastorri. Today, the Alastorri people are an ethnic and cultural melting pot comprised of spirits from all over the world, and is the only ethnic group with more spirits than humans. They speak Andarǫdd, the closest relative to the ancient Irovell language. It remains similar enough to ancient Irovell that native speakers of Andarǫdd have little difficulty reading text found on ancient Irovell artifacts, but have nearly no mutual intelligibility with other modern Irovell languages.

Author info

Kit - (AKA Kerosyn, or QuickFastly)
Web zone // Social

Last update: August 28, 2023

