Mistletoe Revolution


More detail is needed here eventually.

The Mistletoe Revolution was a non-violent transition of power in Ustonia that took place between 21/11/1972 and 25/12/1972. Popular anti-war demonstrations all throughout the country included students, young children, elderly dissidents, spirits of many kinds, and even many politicians. The result was the first time the Ustonian people exercised their constitutional right to remove the current president and his party from power with a vote, followed by a forced early election that replaced the militaristic leadership with a peaceful one and marked the beginning of a radical shift in Ustonian policy to rapidly become more progressive.

Within the first half of 1973, the newly elected president had successfully negotiated peace with Destrea and Osun Tanum, and returned all annexed territories to them except for Isla Sofia, West Vastdal, and South Macdon, as these territories resisted the return. Ustonia then committed to provide ten years of disaster relief funding to both countries. In the second half of the year, an alliance was formed with Shinzen with the stated goals of both countries being the assurance of lasting peace around the world, their combined overwhelming military forces being a powerful deterrent.

Prior to the Mistletoe Revolution, Ustonia had been at war with Destrea and Osun Tanum for over eight years, and had fully occupied over a third of each country.

Author info

Kit - (AKA Kerosyn, or QuickFastly)
Web zone // Social

Last update: January 14, 2025

