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Cat spirit


Artist N/A
Status Thriving
Lifespan 100-120 years
Average height 5-6 ft
152-183 cm
Average weight 100-200 lb
45-90 kg

Cat spirits are a type of major spirit, and make up over 43% of all spirits on Earth. They have existed since Era Dira.


Nothing for now.

Myths and legends

A common legend shared by cat spirits is that they were created by humans, not by gods. In ancient times, when humans were first learning to manipulate mystic matter under the guidance of the fox spirits, they began to thirst for power. The foxes did not like that, so they quietly plotted to humble the humans. One day, when a group of humans were attempting to imbue themselves with greater power, the foxes unleashed a horde of house cats on the humans, distracting them and causing them to combine themselves with the cats on accident. This story is mainly shared as a comedy, but is still believed to be true by some.

Anatomy & physiology

Cat spirits all possess at least one tail, but may possess a maximum of two in extremely rare cases. Most, but not all, also possess animal ears. Rarely, they may possess vertical slit pupils, pronounced fangs, or a rough textured tongue. It is believed by many that the more cat-like the person is, the stronger their Attunement may be, if present.

Their eyes are adapted to see in the dark, requiring approximately one sixth the amount of light that humans need to see clearly. Those with human ears have hearing abilities noticeably higher than the average human, while those with animal ears have greatly enhanced hearing compared to those without. Their sense of smell is also noticeably above average.

Cat spirits also possess an innate sense of direction, and some of the best natural reflexes and balancing abilities in the world, rivaled only by the fox spirits.

Aside from their cat-like features, cat spirits come in nearly all the same shapes and sizes as humans, but are thought to be much more attractive on average.

Life cycle

Cat spirits grow at the same rate as humans until the age of 30 years, after which they begin to age noticeably slower, leading to their longer lifespans. Cat spirits often remain relatively youthful until approximately 90 years of age.

Geographic distribution

Cat spirits are by far the largest group among spirits and are found all around the world, living happily alongside humans. Their preferences for climate and geography are typically the same as humans.

They are also a very common sight throughout Alastor.


Cat spirits are masters of manipulation and temptation. They are known for their charisma and charm, but are otherwise typically thought to act the same as humans.

In reality, cat spirits are nearly all putting on an act of responsibility and maturity in public and around strangers. In private, they tend to be extremely selfish and lazy, using their manipulative natures to get what they want and avoid responsibility wherever possible. Quite hedonistic, they are also not shy about seducing people to get what they want, and will quickly move to a new target if their advances are resisted.

Some cat spirits have more cat-like traits than others, such as a particular attraction to fish and poultry, short attention spans, a tendency to chase bugs and small animals, a love of napping in odd places, pushing things off table edges, among other things. They tend to be very self conscious about these traits when present.

Interracial relations

They typically view all races of people as equals, but none can deny that they tend to pick on or even bully mouse spirits more than they should. They also don’t care to admit their unusual discomfort around chameleon spirits and reptiles.

They tend to receive the best treatment from humans compared to other spirits.

See also


Author info

Kit - (AKA Kerosyn, or QuickFastly)
Web zone // Social

Last update: August 28, 2023

