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Chameleon spirit


Artist N/A
Status Thriving
Lifespan 150-160 years
Average height 5-6 ft
152-183 cm
Average weight 135-230 lb
61-104 kg

Chameleon spirits are a type of major spirit, and make up approximately 8% of all spirits on Earth. They have existed since Era Dira.


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Anatomy & physiology

All chameleon spirits have Alignment, independently movable eyes, are double-jointed with above average grip strength and endurance, and have the ability to change their hair and eye colors at will, even to unnatural hues. Many can even freely control the amount of melanin in their skin.

A somewhat uncommon feature possessed by some chameleon spirits is a prehensile tail covered in scales, also capable of changing colors at will. Rarely, they may even possess color-changing scales on some other parts of their body.

They are slightly hard of hearing and have poor senses of taste and smell compared to average humans, but have an extremely precisely developed sense of touch, allowing them to accurately perceive even the smallest vibrations in the air and through the ground, including sound waves, leading some to be able to “hear” with their bodies. They also have slightly denser muscles than humans, granting them much higher physical endurance.

Life cycle

Chameleon spirits grow at the same rate as humans until the age of 20 years, after which they begin to age at slightly less than half the rate of humans.

Geographic distribution

Chameleon spirits typically prefer warm and dry regions, and are primarily found in Shaohou. They are also a somewhat common sight in Alastor, where they are often relied upon to make impartial rulings in the judicial system.


Chameleon spirits mostly prefer to live away from dense civilization and with little in the way of technology, not unlike the wolf spirits, and have historically avoided conflict by relocating without complaint if their first attempt at peaceful negotiation fails.

Their quiet and passive personalities surround them with an enigmatic air, leading to the common idea that they are extremely wise and humble. In truth, they tend to be rather simple-minded country bumpkins, which is often made very apparent when one is found bewildered in a city.

Their reputation for wisdom does still have some truth to it, as nearly all chameleon spirits have an extremely strong grasp on morality and common sense, even regarding matters they have no personal experience with.

Most chameleon spirits are born and raised in small settlements populated exclusively by their own kind. Traditionally, when a chameleon spirit reaches 20 years of age, they are given a choice between remaining with their family and kind or leaving to find a new home among other kinds. Those who leave home, while uncommon, typically integrate perfectly with the culture they choose to settle in very quickly after a short honeymoon period.

Interracial relations

They hold neutral views on all races, often going to great lengths to remain distant with acquaintances to avoid developing a bias.

See also


Author info

Kit - (AKA Kerosyn, or QuickFastly)
Web zone // Social

Last update: August 28, 2023

