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Political map (2033) // No cities - Simplified - Blank
Biome map // With terrain
Grid map // Without grid - Blank

Population As of the year 2030
approx. 2,000,000,000

Population by country
Population by major ethnic groups

Earth is the third planet from the sun and the only astronomical object known to harbor and support life. It is home to an incredibly diverse range of living things, most notably including humans and spirits, both of which belong to a wide range of cultures and ethnicities. The planet and everything on it also contains mystic matter, a substance crucial to the existence and prosperity of life.

The world is currently in the tenth month of the year 2033 of Anno Ortu. It was likely formed some time during Era Dira, but the true age of the planet is unknown. Nearly all history from that time period is also unknown due to a thick layer of ash and charcoal deep beneath the surface all over the world from an event known as The End of Everything.

The inhabited world is comprised of three continents. Avangia in the west, Ozen in the northeast, and Yulentia in the southeast. Additionally, there is an uninhabitable ice cap in the north, and an uninhabited frozen continent in the south.

Meta stuff

For the sake of simplicity, rather than continuing to make a whole in-world page for the planet itself, we will compare it to the real world. More in-world detail would be a welcome addition any time though.

While the map will likely not be updated to show any new additions for quite some time, obviously there can be more cities than are currently labelled. There can also be small islands anywhere in the oceans even though they do not appear on the map, if that’s something you find interesting.

If you want to write in an island like that (or a new city) and precisely locate it on the map, you can use this degrees grid that fits inside cells of the map latitude and longitude grid, and optionally even this minutes grid that fits inside the cells of the degrees grid in the image editing software of your choice to find precise-enough GPS coordinates. Alternatively, if you’re currently viewing this in Obsidian or willing to do that, you can use this Interactive world map.

This earth is about one fifth the size of the real world, but it experiences exactly the same gravity, seasons, sunrises and sunsets, tides, pressures, etc.

The atmosphere also behaves exactly the same as it does in the real world, with the same number of layers all at the same altitudes.

Weather behaves largely the same as the real world too, but the biome distribution isn’t completely realistic, especially in the case of Alastor.

The highest mountain peaks and deepest ocean depths are the same as the real world.

The highest and lowest ever recorded temperatures are each one degree celsius higher and lower respectively than the real world.

However, despite being so much smaller it contains about the same amount of natural resources like ores, metals, and oils as the real world, and it isn’t distributed evenly at all, which has led to extreme prosperity, disparity, rapid technological advancements, and many wars.

I don’t study this stuff, I don’t have any science to justify this stuff. If you can come up with that kind of information, feel free to add it to this page, that would be a welcome addition. However, anything that can’t be justified in any way will instead be made justifiable by the influence of mystic matter.

Essentially, unless you want to overthink it, just think of this world in exactly the same way you think of the real world and use identical logic, but remember the smaller physical size and higher resource richness, and let anything weird be explained by mystic matter.

Author info

Kit - (AKA Kerosyn, or QuickFastly)
Web zone // Social

Last update: August 28, 2023

