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Children of the Flame

Children of the Flame


Type Religion
Founding date Unknown
Alternative names The Immortal Flame
The Flame
The Children
Demonym Listeners
Leader The Storyteller
Headquarters Falkenvall
Motto Ignis Divini Liberatio

The Children of the Flame are the world’s largest religious organization, and one of only three remaining major hierarchical religious organizations in modern times. It is headquartered in the city of Falkenvall in Kolgård, Osun Tanum.

They are presumed to be the oldest known religious organization of all time, as there is no record of their formation, yet they have always possessed and been recorded in some of the oldest documents known to exist.


The Children of the Flame is divided into four unique branches, each performing a distinct function with their own positions and power structures. Only two of these branches - the Law and Lore and Preachers branches - are publicly acknowledged, with the other two - the Enforcers and Internal Society branches - shrouded in secrecy and only known due to undercover investigations and leaks.

Children of the Flame Hierarchy.svg

Law and Lore

The Law and Lore branch of the Children of the Flame is responsible for the administration, bureaucracy, and other official dealings, as well as maintaining order within the organization through management and enforcement of laws, and keeping the lore, prophecies, and other history organized and prevalent in teachings. They are the highest ranking members of the organization with authority over all other branches.

Those who commit sins serious enough that the Preachers cannot absolve them are instead brought to this branch, and if they are deemed repentant, they are given the choice to either undergo Cleansing or be expelled from the organization.


During Cleansing, the recipient is doused in water by a Cardinal, then a Firekeeper engulfs the recipient in flame while they prostrate themselves begging for forgiveness. This is repeated six times, and if all goes smoothly, the recipient is pardoned and lauded by everyone.

The Storyteller

This is the highest position in the organization. What this person says is absolute, and all decisions can be overruled by them. They have an encyclopedic knowledge of the history of the organization, their texts, and their laws.

Traditionally, The Storyteller is meant to wear the most extravagant vestments and be treated like a god, and this was upheld until the Sixth reign where this and nearly every other tradition was either relaxed or thrown out.

They are informed of every decision and action made by the organization at any point in time, but are rarely involved in the process unless it is a particularly major event, or when intervention is needed. There can be only one Storyteller at any given time, and the position - when available - is selected on merit alone.


These are the people responsible for all major decision making and organization of the faith. They oversee the Enforcers wing alone, and assist the Seekers in overseeing the Preachers wing. They wear extravagant black vestments with tall hats, but the High Cardinal is exempt from this, instead wearing what The Storyteller says to wear.

They are akin to politicians in their role. To become a Cardinal, one must be selected personally by the High Cardinal and then perform the Cardinal’s Rite. The High Cardinal is assigned directly to The Storyteller as an advisor and to relay information.

Cardinal’s Rite

Prospective cardinals are selected to perform this rite personally by the High Cardinal. It is a purely ceremonial act, where the High Cardinal douses the prospective cardinal’s head in black oil, and then burns the brand onto the back of their dominant hand.


These are the people responsible for managing all activities of the Preachers wing, as well as overseeing the Internal Society. They are not concerned with managing the law, instead focusing on keeping the lore and history of the organization, while also acting as the lead scientists of the organization. They wear extravagant white vestments with no hat, but the High Seeker is exempt from this instead wearing what The Storyteller says to wear.

The High Seeker acts as The Storyteller’s right hand, and is almost always with him to discuss whatever needs discussing and help with whatever is needed. To become a Seeker, one must prove their merit through a series of tests and then perform the Seeker’s Rite.

Seeker’s Rite

Prospective seekers are selected to perform this rite. Those who succeed become a Seeker and those who fail are allowed to try again when they heal.

The prospective seeker dons the ceremonial vestment and is brought to two Firekeepers who grab hold of the prospective seeker’s forearms and begin to burn them. A Cardinal grabs hold of the prospective seeker’s neck, raises them off the ground and begins to read sacred texts. If the prospective seeker remains conscious for the duration of the reading, they are asked if they are ready, and if they agree, the Firekeepers immolate the prospective seeker. If the prospective seeker’s will is strong enough, the flames will not burn them and will be extinguished when the Cardinal releases them. Buckets of water and a medical team are kept on standby for the weak willed.


The bureaucrats of the organization, these are the people responsible for all administrative tasks and paper pushing. Almost all paperwork that needs to be done by any other member of the organization is usually routed to the Chancellors, and the Chancellors are often the ones delivering official orders. They wear understated vestments that distinguish them from all other classes. Becoming a Chancellor is as simple as filling out a form and turning in a resume.


The mystics of the organization, these elite few are Attunement users with an affinity for flames. These are the people responsible for the performance of most holy tasks, meting out internal punishments, and mystifying the people in public demonstrations. They wear light and wavy vestments with open or no footwear, designed to exude an aura of exotic elegance. Firekeepers are chosen from the Initiates after displaying promise both in faith and ability, and are then asked to perform the Mystic Dance, only allowed to become a Firekeeper if their dance impresses both the High Cardinal and High Seeker. Out of all positions within the organization, the Firekeepers are often seen as the closest to divinity, even among secular people.

Mystic Dance

Firekeepers perform a mesmerizing ceremonial dance similar to a ribbon dance, but with flames instead of ribbons. They use no tools, implements, or anything else for the dance, only their own attunement abilities to create mesmerizing displays of elegance and controlled chaos. The Mystic Dance can be choreographed before being performed, particularly for public demonstrations or large group performances, but when performed by an individual, it is always unique to that person. These dances often have profound effects on the audience, but the effect varies from person to person, and exactly how this happens is unclear, as the Firekeepers themselves do not have an answer for why it happens, only saying that it is not their intention.


The Preachers branch of the Children of the Flame is not quite what one would expect by the name. Their primary responsibility lies not in spreading the word of their faith, but rather in public relations, leaving the actual preaching to the lowest ranked members. These people are the face of the group, the only part that the vast majority of people know.

The Preachers also give blessings to certain individuals, either by deeming them deserving of blessing or in need of one.

Blessing of the Flame

This is a ceremonial rite performed by a Reverend or Patriarch. The recipient is asked to kneel in front of them and bow their head, then the Reverend or Patriarch delivers a powerful speech designed to manipulate the minds of those who hear it into feeling empowered, invigorated, or absolved.

Charisma is vital to successfully perform this rite, as the strength of the blessing is only as strong as the conviction of the Reverend or Patriarch delivering it. The effects vary depending on what the recipient thinks, what is being said, and how charismatic the performer is.


The “fatherly” types of the organization, these are the people that the entire Preachers wing answer to. They wear extravagant vestments and are rarely seen in public except for ceremonial occasions, but those within the organization beneath them tend to look up to the Patriarchs as role models.

Mostly unknown to everyone, however, the Patriarchs also play a part in the Internal Society of the organization, evaluating Initiates to see whether or not they would fit as Eunuchs and sometimes engaging in debauchery with the Internal Society behind closed doors. Patriarchs are appointed personally by the Seekers.


These are the people that the public imagine when they hear about the organization. They all have subtle but distinct vestments allowing them to stand out from the public, and they are all trained to appear as warm, friendly and approachable as possible, making them exude a divine and pleasant aura.

They dedicate much of their time to helping those in need, and are commonly seen assisting with disaster relief, humanitarian fundraising events, and grand openings of public buildings. They are also responsible for hearing the confessions of those who feel they have sinned and absolve them, and to baptize new listeners so they may be considered officially Devout.

Becoming a Reverend is as simple as expressing interest to a Patriarch, who will then look over the things they have done to help the public and decide whether or not the prospective Reverend is worthy. In special cases, they may be selected by a Firekeeper instead.


These are the people on the front lines of the public, making every effort to help people in need and sharing their knowledge of the organization to those showing interest. They blend in seamlessly with the public due to wearing no vestments and not being outspoken about the organization. Becoming a Priest is as simple as expressing interest to a Reverend.


These are the men who among the Devout display a vested interest in the faith, and are noticed by the Firekeepers as promising. They are taken under the wing of a Firekeeper and given basic training in what it takes to become one, which they can then choose to continue if they wish to become Firekeepers, or opt to become Reverends instead. Few Initiates are instead taken by the Internal Society through temptation.



Very few people are aware of the existence of this branch, and virtually all of them are higher ranking members of the Children of the Flame. It is also an extremely small portion of the organization, counting less than 10,000 people in its membership.

The Enforcers branch of the Children of the Flame is a quite small but very powerful force of militaristic people, responsible for all the dirty work of the organization. They operate from the shadows for the most part, killing their targets quietly, simply gathering intelligence, or manipulating people for their own ends, though occasionally they will make large, organized, very public attacks when ordered. Under the reign of The Fifth Storyteller, the Enforcers were almost removed entirely, but they have slowly built themselves back up under The Sixth Storyteller, though it is unclear how or why.

When sent to deal with a specific target, they typically use one of three methods of punishment, being Banishment, Forgiveness, or Purification.

Banishment, Forgiveness, and Purification (graphic violence description)

Banishment is performed by an Inquisitor. The recipient is tortured until their mind is broken, and then the Inquisitor violently grabs hold of their face and delivers a scathing reprimand, finalized by throwing the recipient into the nearest hard surface or by submerging their head in water. Those who survive this horrific procedure are usually left in a vegetative state for the remainder of their lives, and those few who manage to recover or resist are marked for death.

Forgiveness is performed by one of the Sanctified, as a much more merciful version of the rite of Banishment. The recipient is restrained, their crimes explained, a sacred text read to them, and finalized with a swift decapitation. Notably, they will always give the recipient a proper burial and even inform and console the next of kin if they’re alive and not themselves guilty.

Purification is performed by either an Inquisitor or one of the Sanctified, and is reserved for the truly heinous heretics. The recipient is restrained and stretched on a rack, sacred texts are fervently read, then the recipient is cut open with a Y-shaped incision and immolated from the inside out.


These are the people responsible for identifying and dealing with heretics and any others marked by the higher-ups of the organization. They are most known for their use of gruesome torture methods and seeming to take pleasure in carrying them out, but are most commonly sent out purely for espionage. Notably, no Inquisitors possess attunement. Becoming an Inquisitor requires a test to prove oneself dedicated. This test is decided on a case by case basis and must be carried out alone.

The Sanctified

These people are, in essence, a merciful version of the Inquisitors, and much more focused on the divine aspect of their work. Where the Inquisitors derive pleasure or entertainment in their tasks, The Sanctified are disgusted by the barbaric nature. They take great pride as divine and merciful executioners. Notably, all of The Sanctified possess attunement.

There are an extremely small number of The Sanctified due both to the rarity of attunement and the difficulty of the training required.

The Infernal

The Infernal are the front line infantry of the Enforcers, almost never being trusted with important tasks and most often being utilized in great numbers. They are selected by Inquisitors or the Sanctified based on ability and desire, and are eligible to become one of the higher ranks based on merit and seniority.

Internal Society


Extremely few people are aware of the existence of this branch, and virtually all of them are higher ranking members of the Children of the Flame. It is also an extremely small portion of the organization, counting less than 10,000 people in its membership.

The Internal Society of the Children of the Flame shares very little with the other branches, or even the general concept of the faith, instead operating much like a dynastic harem and a predatory prostitution ring. They proudly defy the ethical and moral codes of the organization, and were even considered to contradict the established morals of the organization when they were first established under The Third Storyteller.

The continued presence of this part of the organization is a point of extreme contention among those who are aware of it, as nobody outside of the Internal Society believes it should be allowed to exist, nor do they understand how it persists. The true amount of influence the Internal Society holds over the organization is still unknown. The efforts of the Fifth and the continuing efforts of the Sixth storytellers have not been enough to remove the Internal Society, but their numbers have been reduced to a small fraction of what they once were, and they have supposedly been effectively quarantined within the organization, and are kept secret.


These elite women are, in essence, super Sirens. Everything a Siren can do, a Matriarch can do better. However, they remain sequestered in the Internal Society to manage things, instead targeting Patriarchs and Initiates with their various controlling techniques. They evaluate prospective Initiates alongside the corrupted Patriarchs. Occasionally, they will take a Patriarch as a husband, though they ultimately hold higher authority than the Patriarchs do. All Matriarchs possess attunement.


These women are masters of seduction, manipulation and trickery. Of the entire Internal Society, they are the only ones ever seen in public, though they aren’t recognized because they have no vestments. They hypnotize - figuratively or literally depending on the person and their abilities - unsuspecting or vulnerable people and manipulate them into doing their bidding or give them what they want, most commonly using their bodies to their advantage. Despite the inherent sinfulness in being a Siren, much of the money they steal is donated to the organization.

Most Sirens possess attunement. Sirens with attunement sometimes use it against their victims in one of two ways, referred to as Draining and Breaking.

Draining and Breaking (sexual content)

Draining utilizes their already exceptional abilities of hypnosis and manipulation and amplifies the effects through attunement. Recipients are slowly hypnotized during a sexual encounter and not allowed to orgasm until they are under full control of the performer, where they then use the moment of orgasm to implant an idea or an order in the recipient’s mind with frightening efficacy.

The recipient is left extremely exhausted after this but unable to sleep, and they feel hollow and lost for up to a week after the encounter, assuming the performer doesn’t repeat the rite immediately. It can be repeated as many times as the performer wants, even to the point of killing the recipient.

Breaking is very similar to the rite of Draining, but instead designed purely to humiliate, demoralize, and ultimately break the mind. Some recipients may end up in a vegetative state, others may have a permanent personality change, the effect varies. It can also be repeated to the point of death.


These are the men who, as Initiates, showed a strong will and resisted all temptation from the Sirens, while also showing enough respect to have made no advances on the Sisters. They are then brought before the Matriarchs to be castrated, and from then on dedicate themselves to guarding the Internal Society. They generally develop pseudo-familial relationships with the women which only strengthens their devotion.


These are the women who, as Initiates, were somehow deemed interesting enough by the Matriarchs to be taken for the Internal Society. They are taken under the wing of the Sirens and treated as little sisters, hence the name, and indoctrinated into the Internal Society. Those who display enough willpower to resist indoctrination are brought before the Matriarchs and tested, where they will either pass and become Sirens or fail and be psychologically abused until they become totally dependent on the Matriarchs.


While the specific origins of the Children of the Flame are unknown, it is likely that they have existed since the end of Era Dira. Allegedly, they formed after seeing their gods help to rebuild in the aftermath of the The End of Everything, and their worship slowly strengthened after their gods disappeared and more emphasis was instead placed on the ancient texts they had collected. Their faith was global, but disorganized until the reformation of the faith under a leader known as a Storyteller, which occurred around the year 1160. There have been six Storytellers since then, and each Storyteller steered the organization in radically different directions.

The First Storyteller rallied the organization around the goals of peace and prosperity among humankind, which despite apparent good intentions, led to a spike and subsequent long term upward trend of racism against spirits. This reign lasted about 100 years.

The Second Storyteller was a product of the racism inadvertently encouraged by the First, and pivoted the focus of the organization to the domination and subjugation of spirits, leading to the formation of the Enforcers. Numerous atrocities were carried out under the reign of the Second. This reign lasted about 60 years.

The Third Storyteller was a product of the complacency brought about by the actions of the Second. Tired of the militant attitude, they loosened the iron grip of the organization and encouraged hedonism among listeners, leading to the formation of the Internal Society. This reign lasted about 90 years.

The Fourth Storyteller idolized stories of the Second and turned the organization back towards violence, this time not only craving dominance, but absolute supremacy. The Enforcers branch of the organization grew in size and scope as the entire organization was mobilized on numerous crusades around the world for the entire reign, the atrocities committed against both spirits and humans in the process including some of the very worst in history. This reign lasted about 40 years.

The Fifth Storyteller, disgusted by the Fourth, began their reign by taking the head of the Fourth and executing all those who took part in the atrocities of the crusades. The organization largely withdrew from the public and much of what happened during this reign remains unknown, shrouded in secrecy, but it is known that a concerted effort was made to address and take responsibility for much of the Fourth’s wrongdoings, while also laying the groundwork for some progressive change within the organization. This reign lasted about 110 years.

The Sixth Storyteller brought the organization back into the public as a drastically reformed beacon of light. For the first time, the focus of the organization shifted away from strict religious adherence, instead adopting an interpersonal approach to spirituality, while also dedicating most of the organization’s funding and manpower to global public benefit through charity, research, and disaster relief. The Enforcers and Internal Society branches of the organization were also removed entirely from the public, but remain active within the organization. This reign is ongoing.

Public Agenda

Under the reign of The Sixth Storyteller, the primary public goals of the organization have been humanitarian and charitable efforts, cultural development, and scientific research. They are lauded worldwide for their efforts in these fields, particularly for being among the largest contributing forces across many disaster relief efforts around the world, the largest financial contributors for numerous charities, credited as a major influence or contributor in many culturally significant works, and most notably, for being instrumental in the discovery of Mystic Matter.

The organization acts as its own public relations manager and spends a lot of time maintaining a positive appearance by widely publicizing the products of their contributions to the public, even when another religious organization is involved, while also working around the clock to counter or bury controversies and allegations raised against them. This effort is the primary driving force in the still rapidly increasing numbers of devout listeners.

The stated goals of the organization are to provide the resources and tools necessary to achieve a higher overall quality of life for listeners and those around them, and the promise that faithful listeners will be spared in the coming end times.

Political influence

Testament to the immense influence and drive of The Sixth Storyteller, the Children of the Flame hold great power in the politics of the world, often finding themselves involved - directly or indirectly, intentionally or not - with elections around the world, as well as policy and law decisions. Due to their humanitarian and charitable efforts along with their dedication to cultural development and scientific research, the organization also has strong ties with many major corporations around the world. The most notable exceptions to this are 11K and the Risky Witches, as these three groups are outwardly wary of each other and regularly find themselves at odds on issues, but chances are that no matter where you are in the world, one of these three groups was probably involved in any major political or corporate action you can think of.


The Children of the Flame are in possession of nearly 40% of all known intact artifacts of Era Dira, most of which are texts, ranging from scrolls to loose papers to leather bound books. Many of these ancient texts are considered divine by the organization, but are today treated primarily as pieces of history rather than sources of guidance in modern life. The vast majority of these artifacts are proudly displayed in the grand library located at the Falkenvall headquarters, but there is at least one artifact kept in every major gathering place around the world. They have all been digitized by the organization, and digital copies are made available to the public free of charge. About 80% of these texts have been translated into multiple modern languages, but the remaining untranslated texts are written in an ancient language that is still in the early stages of study.


Most of their funding is provided by donations, primarily from members. There is no tithing or other collection. Smaller sources of funding for the organization come from real estate, royalties for non-religious media attributed to the organization, printing fees from renting out their many printing facilities to other organizations and corporations, and the sale of lifestyle products produced by companies owned by the organization. The Internal Society is also a source of funding for the organization, though this is a deeply controversial situation both outside and within the organization. The Children of the Flame have been listed as one of the 50 richest corporations in the Ozen Federation, and one of the 20 richest in Osun Tanum.

Real estate

The Children of the Flame own and maintain all of their own gathering halls, which are simply called “halls” within the organization, in great numbers all over the world. These buildings are funded entirely by the organization, and do not generate any form of income. They also own and maintain a vast network of printing facilities around the world that were once used to print copies of their holy texts, but have now been converted into print-on-demand businesses for others to utilize, generating a significant income for the organization.

The organization owns a large portion of the land within the city of Falkenvall. Historically it was used exclusively for the purposes of the organization, but The Sixth Storyteller has had most of their buildings replaced with residential tenements that are mostly rented out to the public, with some units being offered free of charge to the poor and homeless under the agreement that they will either begin to pay rent or move elsewhere once they find employment that pays a living wage, and that they will actively search for such employment. Units that are not rented to the public are instead kept available for travelling preachers. The organization owns similar residential complexes in many other places around the world, many operating in the same manner.

Being a religious organization, the Children of the Flame are not required to pay property taxes on their land in most of the world.


The Children of the Flame worship the immortal Incarnations and venerate them as deities. These are Florian (The Destroyer), Freya (The Deceiver), and Kerosyn (The Deliverer). They also view the mortal incarnations as divine, but not as deities and do not worship them.

They originally based much of their beliefs on the numerous ancient texts they hold in their library, but have largely moved away from that belief system under the reign of The Sixth Storyteller. Instead, belief is focused more strongly on adherence to a set of morals and ethics laid out in texts written by the Storytellers, under the assumption that remaining faithful while behaving in accordance with the expectations of the faith will grant listeners life in the next era, and that such listeners who have died will be resurrected at that time.

The organization does not encourage belief in any form of afterlife. They believe that death is a state of non-existence with no consciousness, and that there is no Heaven or Hell. Their belief in a grand resurrection at the start of the next era is reliant on the actions of their deities, which have been proven to exist both by the organization and many outside of it, and is supported by Freya’s ability to resurrect after death, no matter what state her body is left in.

Historically, the organization considered their texts to be inerrant, scientifically and historically accurate and reliable, and interpreted the vast majority of it literally. Listeners were encouraged to frequently read the texts personally, but discouraged from formulating doctrines and “private ideas” reached through independent research, and were cautioned against reading other religious literature. Adherents were told to have complete confidence in the leadership, to avoid skepticism about what is taught through the texts and other literature from the organization, and to “not advocate or insist on personal opinions or harbor private ideas when it comes to diving understanding.” The organization made no provision for listeners to criticize or contribute to official teachings.

Today, many of those beliefs have been relaxed by The Sixth Storyteller. It is now an accepted belief that some of their texts are factually incorrect, and many are not meant to be interpreted literally. Listeners are still encouraged to frequently read these texts personally, and are no longer discouraged from conducting independent research or presenting criticism or new ideas to the organization if it is done privately and in good faith.


Every follower is expected to adhere to these six virtues at all times unless given no choice, or when possessing an infallible reason to go against them. These virtues all originate from existing ancient texts, but have evolved over time to suit the changing world, particularly under The Sixth Storyteller.

  1. One is expected to practice Wisdom. Remain curious, creative, and open minded, so that you may shine brightly and flourish.
  2. One is expected to practice Courage. Hold fast in times of hardship, and do not falter when your integrity is challenged.
  3. One is expected to practice Justice. If none stand up first, take charge and lead them fairly, so they may repent for their sins.
  4. One is expected to practice Humanity. A fair life does not end with fairness, but with love, kindness, and awareness.
  5. One is expected to practice Temperance. Seek calmness, remain humble, and show mercy to those who have wronged you.
  6. One is expected to strive for Transcendence. Always remain hopeful, express deserved gratitude, and become a beacon of light.

Ethics and morality

Before the reign of The Sixth Storyteller, the organization held an extremely conservative moral code, and enforced them strictly. All sexual relations outside of marriage were grounds for expulsion if the individual was not deemed repentant. Homosexual activity was considered an unforgivable sin, and same-sex marriages were forbidden. Abortion was considered murder, and suicide was considered self-murder, both treated as unforgivable sins. Divorce was discouraged, and remarriage was forbidden in all cases except when divorce was obtained on the grounds of adultery. Remarriage itself was considered adulterous in those cases. Marrying someone outside of the organization or endorsing such a union was strongly discouraged. The husband of a family was considered to have absolute authority in all family decisions. Listeners were even discouraged from maintaining friendships with people outside of the organization, and were instead expected to treat such others as “associates”. It was also the case that women were barred from holding positions of authority within the organization and were not allowed to address the organization directly, except in rare circumstances when there was no eligible man to do so.

Under The Sixth Storyteller, all of those aspects of the moral code within the organization have been relaxed or undone. While it is still recommended that listeners focus their relationships towards other listeners, it is no longer a requirement. The husband is no longer considered the absolute authority of the family, and women are now considered equal to men within the organization. Sex outside of marriage, divorce and remarriage, homosexuality, same-sex marriage, and abortion are no longer considered sins at all. Suicide is also no longer considered a sin, and the organization now approaches suicidal listeners and their loved ones with compassion rather than a stern rebuke. Transgender identities were never specifically addressed by the organization prior to The Sixth Storyteller, who made it clear that transgender individuals are valid and to be treated as the gender they present themselves as without prejudice.

Today, in a complete inversion from the traditional beliefs of the organization prior to the reign of The Sixth Storyteller, it is considered a sin to view one’s self as above, or worth more than another, particularly when comparing to people outside of the organization. Bearing witness to an injustice that one could feasibly stand against, and choosing not to do so, is also considered a sin, and depending on the weight of the injustice, may even be an unforgivable sin. Homophobia, transphobia, and racism are also considered sins.


Generally, displays of worship are not expected among members of the organization except during special occasions, such as the performance of a rite. All members of the organization are treated as faithful worshipers so long as they remain without sin, or repent promptly. Because of this lax nature, even secular individuals can often be found living in line with the expectations of the organization. Even in the presence of the deities themselves, people are not expected to stifle themselves.

A common prayer among the organization is a glorification of the three deities. Some scholars believe it was once a specialized prayer among dozens of others, but today it is used only for traditional purposes and is the only prayer still persistent in the organization.

Quod liberator, deceptor, et eversor, gloria nomini tuo. Sicut in principio, nunc et in perpetuum. Amen.

Sources of belief

Many core beliefs of the Children of the Flame are based on the many ancient texts found in their library, but unlike other religions throughout history, these texts were never collected into a single source. Instead, the texts are regarded separately as “stories” which are taught and studied independently of all other stories, unless there are direct references connecting them.

These stories are regarded as divine, though many of them do not have an attributed author, and notably, none of them were written by the three deities of the organization. In recent years, based on guidance from those three deities, it is believed by the organization that many of the stories were written by the deities that came before.

Several of these stories are corroborated by independent historians around the world and throughout the decades and centuries, but many have been malformed, mistranslated, and misinterpreted throughout history, with others still having passages and pages lost entirely. The organization keeps all of the incorrect versions of their stories available to the public, but recommends against reading them unless doing so as part of historical research.

Four stories are particularly notable both within and outside of the organization, with religious and secular people alike.

The Beginning

This story, known more generally as the common myth, describes the process of the world’s creation. It has spawned countless variations and interpretations throughout history, but every single variation shares at least one commonality: They all depict “The Creator” as a beautiful woman who sacrificed herself for humanity. Some interpretations claim she did it to save humans from destruction, others believe it was an attempt to eradicate them, and countless interpretations exist between those two extremes.

The Reckoning

This is the story recounting the great wars of humanity before the end of everything. All interpretations contain the statement that human population dropped to near extinction, but each version of the story has its own idea of the cause. Some say it’s because humans invoked the wrath of the gods, others say it was hubris or arrogance, a petty conflict that got out of hand, among many other causes. Many stories have mentioned a god by name, but these names were never corroborated by other variations. The one exception to that observation is Morrigan, who appears as a goddess of death and misery in many variations of the story, contributing to the feared reputation of the crows.

The Inferno

This story is the most consistent across multiple versions. It describes an event known by most as The End of Everything, and as Armageddon to some others. A common theme found in all versions of this story is that the world was bathed in fire with only a minuscule fraction of life remaining to rebuild. This is the event dividing Era Dira and Anno Ortu on the calendar.

The most notorious variation of this story was a complete fabrication, introduced by a power-hungry High Cardinal as part of a plan to slowly gain direct control over the listeners before The Sixth Storyteller had a chance to publicize his account, and was preserved to be used as an example in educational materials used to teach listeners how to identify false information.

The false story

And in the end times, the false one bore control of the world and was to marshal it to ruination, yet the destroyer stood up to the false one and engaged him in war. They fought for a thousand years bringing perpetual wink and woe to all those around them, till one day appeared the deceiver, whom tricked them into believing neither one was content to battle any longer, and mocked the men into worshiping her as the one righteous god for a thousand years. And in the two thousandth year, the deliverer stood up and denounced those men for their sins, and he demonstrated his righteousness by taking the heart of the false one and burning him towards the pyre, from which the flames spread across all of the of the world, and the destroyer known his righteous bid and was sent to amerce those men of sin, while those men whom saw the righteousness of the deliverer and pledged themselves to him were spared, among them, the deceiver prostrated herself and declared herself to be reformed. And towards the day of the solar eclipse, the deliverer granted a righteous speech to those men whom pledged to him, and bestowed upon them the code to live by, lest the destroyer amerce their sins, and then he rose up and the entirety of the world was bathed in his holy flame, born anew from the ashes, our home.

The Sixth Storyteller’s Account

A story in itself, this account was written by The Sixth Storyteller after a private meeting with the three deities of the organization. In this account, details of all three previous stories are covered and rectified, along with new information not previously known, though it is more of a life story of the deities than an informative report. It was kept secret for a number of years following the spread of the fabricated story of The Inferno and was even tampered with, presumably by the power-hungry High Cardinal. The original tampered documents are preserved in the library for posterity, and the digitally restored version is widely available.


The Children of the Flame have received criticism from other religious organizations, former members, governments, academics, and more throughout the history of the organization. They have been accused of doctrinal inconsistency and reversals, failed predictions, mistranslations of historical artifacts for their own benefit, harsh treatment of former members, connection to numerous high profile murders and sexual abuse cases, and autocratic and coercive leadership.

Under the reign of The Sixth Storyteller, much of this criticism has been addressed and many accept certain problems as resolved, though some people still do not believe the organization has taken adequate action, and some points of contention are still unresolved.

Unfulfilled predictions

A core belief of the organization is that an apocalyptic event is going to happen in the future, and only the faithful ones will be spared at that time. Ever since the organization has had a Storyteller, innumerable predictions have been made for when this time will come, all of which have proven themselves false. Many listeners throughout history have had their lives uprooted by these failed predictions after choosing to sell their homes and belongings in preparation for the end that never came.

They believe that “we are living in the last days” but have not been consistent in identifying when that began. The “last days” have “begun” in 1649, 1799, 1804, 1844, 1904, and 1915.

Since the beginning of The Sixth Storyteller’s reign, while inconsistencies regarding the “last days” have continued to be presented, there have notably been no more predictions regarding the End of Everything. A standing prediction from the previous reign that the End of Everything would occur in 1975 was even retracted and denounced by The Sixth Storyteller shortly after the beginning of his reign.

Author info

Kit - (AKA Kerosyn, or QuickFastly)
Web zone // Social

Last update: August 28, 2023

