The Absolute Library


This be cursed knowledge! Knowing about this may change the way you think about the rest of the world. By the very nature of this place, virtually nobody in the world knows it exists, or even about Minerva. Think very carefully before writing anything involving this place if the characters mentioned here are anything other than central to the story.

The Absolute Library is a colossal underground structure filled with books as far as the eye can see, chronologically documenting all of history, the lives of every individual who ever lived, all knowledge that is yet known to the world, and many thousands of years of prophecy written in highly specific detail, all of which has proven true so far. It is the home of Minerva, and her life’s work, as she is constantly writing new books to keep the collection up to date, though she does also rely heavily on the help of her many mouse servants that also live in the Library.

The Library is physically located inside the tallest mountain of Himlavård, but its structure is impossible. It is far larger than the mountain it is contained within, the main hall extending so far that is has its own horizon, which appears perfectly flat to the eye. Some doors lead to rooms in completely disconnected locations. Some doors all lead to the same room, no matter where they are. The main hall also loops back on itself along its length, allowing a person to walk infinitely in the same direction despite being in an enclosed space, yet it also grows longer to accommodate more bookshelves as they become necessary. It would be impossible to traverse the entire Library normally due to its sheer size, but the many impossible doors allow Minerva and the mouse spirits to travel wherever they need to go quite quickly. None of the doors in the Library are labelled or numbered, however, so an outsider would have no hope of navigating them without a guide.

The Library has never been discovered independently by outsiders due to Minerva’s influence, utilizing her godly Attunement not only to maintain the impossible structure, but to completely and absolutely conceal its existence from any form of detection, and to subtly repel any people who get too close and do not have her approval. Essentially, it does not exist at all except to those who Minerva allows to know. The immense amount of energy it takes for her to do all of that leaves her unable to attract and recruit suitable new mouse spirits, however, so she delegates that task to Haida so that the Library may forever continue to operate, new books constantly being written, never falling behind the present time by more than an hour.

Vanishingly few people ever receive Minerva’s approval, and not all of them get to see the Library in their lifetimes. Notable outsiders who know (or knew) of the Library - aside from Haida and the mouse spirits - include Ain, Freya, Kerosyn, Florian, Neven, The Sixth Storyteller, Seth Alden, Saint Serafina, Mae Seraphine Walker, and Kaede Hijiya. Of them, only the first five have ever seen the Library themselves.

Author info

Kit - (AKA Kerosyn, or QuickFastly)
Web zone // Social

Last update: August 4, 2023

