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Credit (currency)

Not to be confused with the lending term, the Credit (CR) is a globally accepted currency, separate from all established national economies and managed by an international board of independent economists. It is a fully cashless currency, usable only through digital systems.

It was developed jointly by the governments of Shinzen and Ustonia in 1981, and was globally adopted in 1984. Both the Shinzenese Yen and the Ustonian Dollar remain linked to the value of the Credit to this day. Some banks keep local currency and Credits separately, while others will only keep one of the two and automatically convert to and from Credits as needed.

Credits are most commonly spent online, and the most common way to spend credits in person is through an internet connected smart device with near-field communication. Plastic cards with embedded microchips are also available and function in largely the same way. Also, as a rarer practice pioneered in Ilmaria, individuals may have smart devices embedded into their own bodies which can also be used in the same way.

Conversion rates for 1 CR to local currencies

Country Currency Code Symbol Conversion rate
Alastor Real ARE R ~0.041
Corstaea Krone CKR kr ~0.019
Destrea Peso DPS ~472
Grenneria Ruble GRB ~0.57
Osun Tanum Krona TKR kr ~0.627
Sangyon Won SNW ~10.59
Shaohou Yuan SYN ¥ ~23.14
Shinzen Yen SHY ¥ 1
Ustonia Dollar USD $ 0.01

Author info

Kit - (AKA Kerosyn, or QuickFastly)
Web zone // Social

Last update: August 28, 2023

